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Chauffeurs in Doncaster, Sheffield & Worksop_edited.jpg

Our Security Chauffeurs have been trained by former Police instructors and examiners including Special Escort Group (SEG) members with over 60 years experience of handling VIPs, Celebrities and the Royal Family.


Our Security Chauffeurs have been trained to the highest standards and are true professionals in every sense.

Their qualifications include:

Specialist Operations Academy VIP Security Chauffeur Awards

RoSPA Gold Advanced Driver Awards

Guild of Professional Chauffeurs Members

Institute of Advanced Drivers Members

Action Counters Terrorism Awards

Emergency First Aid at Work Awards

Special attention is paid to route planning - both Primary and Seconday (we always have at least 2!) including entrances and exits to venues. Where time and budget allow then dry runs will have been performed. Our chauffeurs are also trained convoy drivers and have experince of moving members of Royal Families as well as HNW individuals and MPs. Trained to identify and respond to suspicious behaviour whilst driving, embussing and debussing, our chauffeurs will ensure the safety of the Principal and their belongings remains paramount at all times.

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